The Hunting Party
By Lucy Foley

Group Comments:
I was hooked immediately. Fun and entertaining. The first 3/4 were the best, the end was kind of tedious. Strong sense of place. I didn’t like any of the characters except maybe the gamekeeper. I was surprised by the ending. I really liked that you could think through all the clues.
I have never read a mystery written like this before. It is hard to find something so unique in this genre-very creative. I also found it to have a strong sense of place, and although the characters were mostly unlikeable I still wanted to know what happened. The author did a fantastic job with the shifting perspectives AND shifting time frame. Well done.
I didn’t mind the multiple perspectives, but I didn’t like the shifting of the times. And-was there really a plot here? I didn’t like any of the characters which made it difficult to engage at all. Very melodramatic and gratuitous sex scenes. Gimmicky. No focus.
I always knew who it was! I really enjoyed the structure of the time line. Really good job making sure everything mentioned–all the clues–were tied up. Everything mattered.
I liked the location but overall it was predictable. Felt too long.
No real likeable characters. Felt like they were all filling required “slots.” But it was still a very enjoyable read. I did have to re-read some parts because of the shifts of perspective.
I loved the structure of this book!
This book was delicious! Imaginative; a fantastic joy ride!
So much fun to read. But I didn’t really buy the characters, they could have been more complex.
Fun! I struggled in the beginning to differentiate the characters, but I did like Miranda because she was so much fun to hate!
I had to re-start a number of times. It’s hard when you don’t like any of the characters, but I felt like I really knew them.