Sarah Ward

What’s the first mystery you remember reading?
Probably one of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five mysteries. I completely loved all of Enid Blyton’s books but particularly her Famous Five books where four children and a dog went on various adventures and usually solved a mystery at the same time.

What is the latest mystery you’ve read?
I’ve just finished The Dark Angel by Elly Griffiths. I love this author’s Ruth Galloway series and this latest one is set in Italy which is a bit of a departure from the North Norfolk coast. It’s still very atmospheric though and I love the main protagonists’ on-off relationship.

What are you reading now?
I’ve just started Andrew Taylor’s The Anatomy of Ghosts. I love Taylor’s books and this historical mystery looks brilliant.

If you were designing a course on mystery fiction, what would be on your reading list?
That’s really hard but off the top of my head:
A Sherlock Holmes short story such as The Read-Headed League
Agatha Christie: Mrs McGinty’s Dead
Daphne Du Maurier: Rebecca
Ruth Rendell: From Doon with Death
PD James: Shroud For A Nightingale
Sue Grafton: A is for Alibi
Sara Paretsky: Killing Orders
Arnaldur Indridason: Jar City
Henning Mankell: Return of the Dancing Master
Reginald Hill: The Stranger House
Val McDermid: A Place of Execution
CJ Samson: Dissolution

And lots more…!