Jeff Cohen

What’s the first mystery you remember reading?
Not sure. It must have been Encyclopedia Brown, but go remember which one.  

What is the latest mystery you’ve read?
See, here’s where it gets tricky. Probably either Tim Hallinan or Julia Spencer Fleming, but it was not very recent.

What are you reading now?
Right now I’m listening to the audiobook of the Robin William biography when I’m at the gym. Alas, I don’t go to the gym enough, so I’m still in his college days.

If you were designing a course on mystery fiction, what would be on your reading list?
If I were teaching the course I would require every one of my titles because what good is power for if you don’t use it? Also I assume a Robert Parker Spencer novel, a Christie (probably Roger Ackroyd because I’m dull), certainly The Sign of the Four and maybe The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Because Poe.

Additional comments from author:  I’m a really bad mystery author, in that I don’t read much in the genre when I’m writing (to avoid getting someone else’s voice in my head) and I’m almost always writing. So I’m very far behind. [these are] My best answers (and it’s a stretch)