P J Parrish

aka Kristy Montee and Kelly Montee


What’s the first mystery you remember having read?
Kelly: THE MICHIGAN MURDERS by Edward Keyes on John Norman Collins. I was about 18. Hooked me on investigations. 
Kris: All of Nancy Drew, but really loved THE CLUE IN THE CRUMBLING WALL.

What is the latest mystery you’ve read?
Kelly: Steve Hamilton’s DEAD MAN RUNNING
Kris: Andrew Shaffer’s HOPE NEVER DIES, An Obama-Biden Mystery. It’s a satire. A real hoot…and very well written

What are you reading now?
Both of us: Our back-list titles: THE LITTLE DEATH, SOUTH OF HELL, THE KILLING SONG as we ready them for new editions.

If you were designing a course on mystery fiction, what would be on your reading list?
Oh my goodness…so many great titles that transcend the idea of mere “airplane books” but are still juicy and entertaining: William Kent Krueger and CJ Box for wonderful sense of place. John D. MacDonald for just plain great writing and wry humor. Ross Macdonald for the complex family drama. Val McDermid and PD James for memorable characters. And Patricia Highsmith because she could create a psychopath like Tom Ripley and make me care about him.

The authors would also like you to know they have a new book coming out-the 13th Louis Kincaid mystery, “The Damage Done.”