No Exit
By Taylor Adams

Group Reviews/Comments:
I liked it a lot. But it’s not a mystery. It’s a thriller. I liked how different things get revealed. You think you know the “why” but you don’t–and then you think you know–but you don’t…etc. The author is really good at that!
I really liked it. I liked the cat and mouse game and Darby’s determination and smarts. The crime was really a fantastic crime! I liked the humor in the book.
I didn’t like this that much. Compelling but not well written. Fun for a quick read. The end-the epilogue-was very well written though.
I loved this book. I had so much fun reading it. So exciting! I liked how everything built on everything and the plot twists. But I did not like the violence. Loved the ending!
I don’t know why I liked it, but I did! Interesting. Could have been shorter, felt like it got caught in a loop sometimes.
I struggled to stay with this one. All plot and no story. No depth to any characters. Suspense was created well and quickly–but we were never given a break from it.