Past Crimes

By Glen Erik Hamilton

Group reviews/comments:

I read this really fast which is a sign I liked it! A quick read.

Quick read. Not a great sense of place. There was a thriller component. Moderately well-written, not very original. Kind of fun.

Fast read, I liked it. Could picture it as a movie. I liked that it was in Seattle. Slow to start. Liked the side stories. Dramatic, soap opera ending but fun, active book.

A perfect origin story. I did enjoy it.

Felt like old time Seattle story. I enjoyed it, read it really fast.

Thought the ending was really ridiculous. It was a treasure hunt and the end was cheesy–but I liked it!

I liked the backstory more than the contemporary story line.

Very exciting that it took place in Seattle. Really liked the backstory. Loved the friendship between grandfather and grandchild.

I really did like this book. Would have liked to see more of the backstory. Could have been more mystery. Lots of the conclusions seemed to happen without evidence-the assumptions just turned out to be true.

I did not like this book at all. Huge slog. Weird racial stereotypes.

A collection of tropes. Some elements really forced.

This was not a mystery. It was an “adventure cozy.”

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