The Man in the Brown Suit
By Agatha Christie

Group Comments/Reviews:
Fascinating perception of women and relationships, and looks vs. villainy. I liked the diary aspects of it.
I would have never known it was Christie. Way too long. So out of character for her.
I enjoyed it. A quick read. A fun read.
Disappointed. A slog. Stopped partway through. Tedious. Did not enjoy it at all.
I struggled with this. It was hilarious but sexist. Not one of her best, but fun!
Really fun! I liked how different it was from other Christies. Loved the location, travels, liked Col. Race and Suzanne. And I liked the relationship between Anne and Suzanne. It was fun!
I noticed the humor right off. Very over the top. Still not a Christie fan. Didn’t like the way Anne fell for the mystery man.
Funny. Not a mystery but a romance. I did not like Peddler’s journal part.
I liked it. Anne was so lucky! Hard to read a period piece set in Africa at this time. I liked the twist at the end.
Entertaining. Kind of reminded me of a silent movie, everyone running around! Anne was very lucky! Too many characters.
Fun! Paid no attention to the things that didn’t make sense. Very clever and smart.
Fun. I loved Anne just grabbing adventure! Sexism and racism difficult to read.