Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone
By Benjamin Stevenson
Group Comments:
I liked it, but there were plot holes. But on the whole, the mystery was pretty good!
It took me a while to get into it. Some of it was creepy! No one in the book is all that likeable but I liked how the main character was honest in his storytelling. I appreciated some of the humor and thought the mystery was interesting.
I enjoyed it. A novel approach to story telling. Some plot holes but -eh-I moved on and enjoyed it. I liked the recognition of tropes and how they were used.
A novel way of writing. Refreshing. I liked the humor. None of the characters were likeable but they were well formed. Yes there were plot holes but I gave the author leeway because it was enjoyable.
I liked the breaking of the 4th wall stuff.
I liked the book overall. The mystery was good.
I liked what the author did. Really fresh. Yes there were plot holes but it was a great story. The humor made me laugh out loud at times. Mystery was good at first but did get convoluted. LOVED the twist ending even though it didn’t make a lot of sense in terms of motive.
I enjoyed listening to the audio version. The humor was mostly great but occasionally cringy.
I really liked the narrator in the audio version. Fun and enjoyable. Biggest gripe was all the asides and comments from the main character, it kept taking me out of the flow of the story.
Yes, the plot had some holes and some of it was unrealistic but overall I really liked it! I liked the way it was laid out.